How To Remove Lice From Hair By Your Own

How To Remove Lice From Hair By Your Own - name is Ellen and I'm going to do a demonstration of giving your own self a lice or nits check and it is possible that I'll have some to remove today I've been going through the process of getting myself clear of lice I had a last time I come through my hair I had a Stacey um God for bugs total they were all nymphs and a few eggs so the first thing to do is detangle the hair and Molly I definitely don't want that phone to fall okay once it's detangled you're going to want to put put oil in the hair and I have a little a little cutie cape that I'm going to put on to protect my running shirt from oil okay so here we go actually I want to turn it around no no that's good enough coverage okay so here I have coconut oil I keep it in this silicone bottle over here.

Amalia here is my coconut oil just dispensed Amalia I mostly made the camera to be clear for this I use about that much my hair is not very thick um but it's long so this is about the thickness of mine it's not super thick so so I like to use a lot this is a lot and it's it's solid and soft right now so it's just going to take me a little bit of effort to liquefy so it's beginning to drip so I want to go ahead and put it on my hair let it be on my hair in that liquid state you'll see there are still some I just want to work it into my hair and the warmth ma well I have a sidekick here who's also dating her hair this is fun you two will enjoy checking yourself for life it's very exciting okay so putting it through I actually had a little bit in my hair from last time.

Okay so now this this this is the comb that I use it's it's the nitpick and the teeth have ridges on them my hair is going here it's going down and down and down and so you see that I have this part here and so my hair is going down I'm going to want to go in the same direction that it is right now by changing directions with this comb that would be too aggressive and I definitely want to avoid that so um first thing I'm going to do go straight down all the way around my head okay so here we go so I'm keeping I want I want you to watch one thing as I do this okay mommy to this side right here uh-huh 

I want to keep I want to keep this side facing the tips the whole time okay okay so again I'm just going straight down the hair with the tips facing this side and you have a little comb in the corner of that your screen that amelia is showing you so that you know that uh she is there don't forget don't forget Amalia is right there just to the side of the camera so um I've been touching my scalp as I do this the comb is just the tips are grazing the scalp and and and then once I get to the hairline here I'm able to pull off the scalp and direct it um let's see how can I describe this so it's just attached the scalp right there at the hairline it's pulling off the scalp and going through every layer of hair there okay so that is what I'm doing and I'm going to continue that same process all the way around my head I have not and remember not to skip any spots yes so let me show you how you can be sure not to skip a spot back here I'm 

I'm not able to stay anymore but I can feel where the comb went over it's a very smooth path so I'm gonna direct the other no good half of it on the spot that you already put it on and have it not true yes exactly Amalia thank you I'm overlapping so now I'm at this point and I'm overlapping half of the comb on the area that was just combed in half on a new area so now I'm here I am here overlapping this is really simple and you take a cool climate effort and still keeping the comb in the same direction that way any debris is still on this side that is not facing the scalp I am I am going against my neck a little bit and as long as it doesn't hurt you it's it's not a problem to UM be a little bit extra aggressive on this okay so I have a little knob I don't mind going through it but if you have big knots then you should probably use a different brush yeah you can just start your combing again um in that spot just get your detangler how's my outfit ready tangle that area and go through again with the knit picks 

so I wear my way all almost all the way to the front I still haven't cleaned the coma um I'll probably clean the comb once I get to the front and then I will um direction here backwards at that point this is come easy no it doesn't so coconut oil will take a couple washings to get out of your hair but I don't mind it's good for me and it's good for your hands and your skin so my girls are swapping the coconut oil all over right now over me yeah only on her hand cuz in this dry winter it's helpful okay so I do this area one more time to be sure I got this this under this area under Scott okay so now I'm going to clean the comb oh there we go so so I pulled everything off of the comb into the bowl and now I'm looking into the bowl and I'm separating the items and looking really closely to see if there are any eggs or bugs okay now I want to make sure the comb is clean and then I continue okay right this yeah 

Thank You missile the lovely all right so um now that my hair is all in straight lines every strand is in a straight line it's ready for for me to do a little bit more um I I happen to like to UM to just slowly grab bite by bite and direct it backwards if this is too aggressive for you on your hair you can take your detangling comb and you can even direct it sell beautiful teasing my head you only do your homework and you can direct your hair straight back with the detangling comb before before you use the NIM pick if you can see I just did little bite by bite just taking a little bite of hair and directing it straight back little bite jerking it straight she meant to say bit by bit yeah it's kind of like the comb is biting a little bit of a time now so however you want to describe it okay all right yeah my hair is going smoothly enough but I don't need to really tingle it double speed here my coming demonstrates that it is possible to check or or remove light furnace from your own hair for precision the task requires more effort and demonstrated in my other video which you can click on to see how to check for or remove lice in someone else's hair here it's a challenge to comb behind the head especially because of the reaching you have to do for long hair reiterating the two actions that will help you be a combing success use your free hand to feel the 

smooth strands on the head and direct becomes path to follow with slight overlap and the second action is to pay special attention to the direction of the comb always passing it through the hair with the clean side of the comb facing the scalp that way that your braid stays on the comb until your relief debris into your white full of water 14 minutes and 15 seconds that's about how long it takes me to do a thorough lice check on myself I know that I went through my hair two times and I overlapped each as I went through but I don't feel like it's one thorough time until I've had it all directed without any parts in it so the first time through we had a part right here and the second time there were no dead zones that didn't receive the combing so um right now I'm just overlapping in the back one more time in case there was any error back there my left hand is feeling what I'm showing you right now is one little vine it's about the same size as the egg you can also see the egg that I removed from my hair right let's see right right there so there's an 

egg right there in the book right there this this um bug right here it's um in person I'm able to identify this this um shadowy area over on this side as as legs so those aren't just blob of shadow Ness I can I can see the individual legs my camera is not no my camera is not able to focus enough to uh to see it clip in for this egg let's say looking for this egg right here you can see that on on this right side on that right side it has the stick out part and the other side is just kind of egg-shaped so it's kind of a tadpole shape and here's here's kind of here's the comb for a for scale so you see the size of it is really tiny compared to come all right

