Best Lice Treatment At Home

Best lice treatment at home Hi everyone... !! Head lice is a common problem among school going children and even in adults who don't maintain hair hygiene lies are tiny parasites that live in hell and suck blood and nutrition from the scalp they make the hair weak and ultimately bring about hair fall so today I'm sharing a few effective home remedies to get rid of lice and keep the hair healthy so let's begin   is video condemned adequately sideway da guy link per click curry here detail box speaking.

Take a few garlic cloves garlic has very high antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight hair infections grind these garlic cloves into a fine paste using a kitchen grinder the faced would look like so now strain it using a sieve, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into this garlic extract mix well apply the solution onto the scalp and leave for at least two hours before champagne do it thrice a week for better results the next remedy is a pretty simple one you would need 200ml of coconut oil pour it in a clean container now we would require careful orkap or as you call it in India it is easily available at all Indian grocery stores take a small camphor pail and drop it into the oil stir well till it gets dissolved camphor has medicinal properties and should always be used in moderation don't use more than one pill for this much oil massage the scalp with this oil every day for better results the next remedy is super effective in not just getting rid of lice but also for hair growth take a medium sized onion beam and dyes it for grinding it into a fine paste.

Once the base is ready strain the juice out   dip a cotton ball and apply thoroughly on the scalp try to leave it overnight and shampoo the next day doing it at least twice a week will effectively remove all the lies and make your hair grow faster if the smell of the onion bothers you try a lemon cleanse after the shampoo take a handful of fresh neem leaves and wash them thoroughly grind then using a pigeon grinder into a really fine paste.

Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil for lice
Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil for lice

Best lice treatment at home
Best lice treatment at home

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Home remedies to get rid of lice fast

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How to get rid of lice naturally in one day

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How to get rid of lice naturally

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how to remove lice eggs from hair in one day

how to remove lice from hair in one day
how to remove lice from hair in one day

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how to remove nits from hair without a comb

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shampoo with tea tree oil for lice
shampoo with tea tree oil for lice

Best lice treatment at home Now the mustard oil comes into the scene head lice hate mustard oil and would soul say goodbye to your hair mix two spoons of mustard oil with those phones of neem extract mix well and apply on the hair roots leave for at least two to three hours before shampoo repeat three times a week school children are very prone to lice and other infections as a mix up with other kids they have gentle skin and an equally mild treatment should be considered for them peppermint and tea tree essential oils are very effective in hair infections yet mild when it comes to children 

Best lice treatment at home Essential oils are easily available at pharmacies and also online I would also take mustard oil for bringing about maximum results take two spoons of mustard oil in a bowl add five drops of any one of these essential oils remember essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be used in moderation mix it all well and massage the scalp with it every day follow it with a lice comb home made pure Tulsi a neem oil is also very helpful in problems like lice dandruff and hair fall blue check out its recipe on my channel find the video link on the screen or in the infobox below if you found this video useful then please share it so it can help others also follow me on various social media accounts like Facebook Instagram and raposo I have left all the details in the infobox below and I'll see you all very soon bye .
